The number of benchmark samples for this model as a percentage of all 53,831,787 HDDs tested
CPU | |
Core i5-3340MIntelBench 53%, 12,487 samples | 277x |
Core i5-3320MIntel $199Bench 48%, 30,496 samples | 237x |
Core i7-3520MIntelBench 53%, 19,660 samples | 109x |
GPU | |
HD 4000 (Mobile 1.25 GHz)IntelBench 3%, 409,110 samples | 999x |
NVS 5200MNvidiaBench 3%, 1,721 samples | 167x |
HD 3000 (Mobile V1 1.1/1.2 GHz)IntelBench 2%, 209,058 samples | 9x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 23% - Poor | Total price: $25 |
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