PC Status | Overall this PC is performing way below expectations (6th percentile). This means that out of 100 PCs with exactly the same components, 94 performed better. The overall PC percentile is the average of each of its individual components. Use the charts in the benchmark sections of this report to identify problem areas. |
Processor | With a relatively low single core score, this CPU can handle email, light web browsing and basic audio/video playback, but it will struggle to handle CPU intensive tasks. Finally, with a gaming score of 32.9%, this CPU's suitability for 3D gaming is poor. |
Graphics | 0.92% is too low to play 3D games or use CAD packages. (Note: general computing tasks don't require 3D graphics) |
Boot Drive | The boot partition is located on a mechanical or hybrid drive. Moving the system to an SSD will yield far faster boot times, better system responsiveness and faster application load times. |
Memory | 2GB is enough RAM to run any version of Windows however a minimum of 4GB is recommended for gaming or any other RAM intensive tasks such as photo/video editing. This system will also be a little more responsive with 4GB of RAM. |
OS Version | Although Windows 7 is still a viable option, it's now 15 years and 1 month old. This system should be upgraded to Windows 10 which is generally faster and has an improved set of core utilities including better versions of explorer and task manager. |
Motherboard | Asrock G41M-VS3. (all builds) |
Memory | 0.7 GB free of 2 GB @ 0 GHz |
Display | 1024 x 768 - 32 Bit colors |
OS | Windows 7 |
BIOS Date | 20120518 |
Uptime | 0 Days |
Run Date | Apr 29 '21 at 15:52 |
Run Duration | 130 Seconds |
Run User | IRN-User |
Background CPU | 46% |
Actual performance vs. expectations. The graphs show user score (x) vs user score frequency (y).
Processor | Bench | Normal | Heavy | Server |
Below average
Graphics Card | Bench | 3D DX9 | 3D DX10 | 3D DX11 |
Nvidia GeForce GT 220
Device(0000 0000) 1GB
Ram: 1GB, Driver: 342.00
Drive | Bench | Sequential | Random 4k | Deep queue 4k |
Maxtor 7H500F0 500GB-$50
445GB free (System drive)
Firmware: HA431DN0
SusWrite @10s intervals: 39 41 37 15 19 23 MB/s
Very poor
Memory Kit | Bench | Multi core | Single core | Latency |
Unknown 1x2GB
1 of 2 slots used
Very poor
L1/L2/L3 CPU cache and main memory (DIMM) access latencies in nano seconds
CPU | |
Core2 Quad Q6600Intel $194Bench 42%, 59,658 samples | 53x |
Pentium E5700Intel $22Bench 36%, 20,872 samples | 47x |
Core2 Duo E8400Intel $150Bench 40%, 68,540 samples | 33x |
GPU | |
G41 Express ChipsetIntelBench 0%, 33,874 samples | 79x |
GeForce 210NvidiaBench 1%, 98,254 samples | 41x |
GeForce GT 730NvidiaBench 5%, 164,888 samples | 24x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 43% - Average | Total price: $219 |