The number of benchmark samples for this model as a percentage of all 53,731,655 HDDs tested
CPU | |
Pentium T4400Intel $110Bench 34%, 7,903 samples | 44x |
Core2 Duo T6600IntelBench 35%, 8,673 samples | 38x |
Pentium T4300IntelBench 34%, 6,462 samples | 30x |
GPU | |
Mobile Series 4 Express Chipset FamilyIntelBench 0%, 23,924 samples | 183x |
Mobility Radeon HD 4300ATIBench 1%, 2,791 samples | 38x |
Intel 45 Express Chipset FamilyMobileBench 1%, 2,404 samples | 21x |
EDIT WITH CUSTOM PC BUILDER | Value: 39% - Below average | Total price: $135 |
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